Spring Cleaning Checklist
Well guys the time is here! The days are longer, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping and the grass is starting to grow again. Spring is the perfect time to tackle those pesky eye sores you've been thinking about all winter. Here is a list I've come up with to help freshen your house and yard back up after a long cold winter.
- Throw out expired cosmetics, beauty products and medications

- Wash Mirrors and insides of windows
- Clean toilet & scrub showers and tubs
- Launder winter bedding and store. I love to use those air tight vacuum bags!
- Clean window treatments. UGH the dust that collects over the winter has GOT TO GO
- Shampoo or steam-clean wall to wall carpets, area rugs and upholstery
- Dust and clean furniture, fans and lights
Home Office:
- Clean out files, shred forms you no longer need. I find several local banks of free Shred Days around this time of year. Be sure to ask an attorney or your accountant how long you should keep files. Most are 5-7 years.
- Use containers to organize office supplies and desk drawers
- Properly dispose of or give away any unwanted software, hardware or electronics. It's the perfect time of year for a Yard Sale!!!
- Take books and accessories off shelves, dust all
- Clean refrigerator and freezer
- Clean oven and microwave
- Dust tops of cabinets and refrigerator, cookbooks and shelves.
- I love reorganizing my pantries, cabinets, drawers and spice racks so everything is easy to find.
- Remove, wash and storm windows
- Replace broken bricks or flagstones
- Scrub outdoor furniture, umbrellas and awnings
- Trim and remove dead tree limbs
- Check the roof for any missing shingles, cracks or nail pops
- If you have a chimney check it for cracks.
- Get the lawnmower ready
- Mulch flower beds
- Spring is a great time to have a preventative maintenance done on your air conditioning.